Ask Creekside Rural Investments
Located on County Road 184 near Bradshaw, just 30 minutes from Abilene, in the Jim Ned School District. Tract 6 provides dense cover throughout the majority of the property with a homesite amongst the trees, or you can opt for the portion in the pastureland to build your dream home! Raise your family in an acclaimed school district and have room for the show animals or horses!
Jim Ned ISD
Electric Provider - Taylor Electric
Water - North Runnels WSC
Owner Financing Available - No Prepayment Penalty
All acreages and boundary lines shown on media are approximate and subject to final survey. Any information provided herein is subject to changes, errors, omissions, prior sale, withdrawal of property from the market without prior notice, and approval of purchase by property owner. Prospective buyers should verify all information to their own satisfaction.
One or more employees/officers/partners of the Seller hold a Texas Real Estate License.
Jim Ned ISD Land For Sale
Electric Provider - Taylor Electric
Water - North Runnels WSC
Survey Available
Owner Financing Available - No Prepayment Penalty
Principal of Seller holds inactive TX RE Broker's License.
Attention Veterans: You may be able to purchase this land with as low as a 5% down-payment through the Texas Veteran's Land Board (TVLB). Please contact us for more information.
Owner Information: Quiet Ridge Ventures, LLC. Command Decisions, Inc. general partner
Taylor County Owner Carry Land For Sale near Winters & Abilene, TX
Directions: From Abilene: Take Hwy 84/83 South approximately 11 miles to the Hwy 84/83 split. Head West on Hwy 83 towards Tuscola. Travel West on Hwy 83 through Tuscola and Ovalo approximately 12.5 miles until you reach County Road 204 (on the North-Right side of Hwy 83). Turn North (right) onto CR 204 and travel approximately 1.25 miles to CR 184, turn right on CR 184 and travel approximately 0.25 miles to gated entrance on your right (looks for signs).
One or more employees, officers, partners of the company & its’ affiliates hold a Texas Real Estate License. The information contained herein has been gathered from sources deemed reliable; however, Creekside Rural Investments, Inc., and their principals, members, officers, associates, affiliates, agents and employees cannot guarantee the accuracy of such information. Any information provided herein is subject to changes, errors, omissions, prior sale, withdrawal of property from the market without prior notice, and approval of purchase by the property owner. Prospective buyers should verify all information to their own satisfaction.